About Us

Company Description

Eco-Cattle LLC produces and markets pasture-raised animal products, primarily grass-fed beef, in northeast Kansas. Our specialty is regenerative techniques and naturally raised products. We use regenerative techniques to raise grass-fed beef and pasture-raised heritage pork.  We practice intensive (blaze) grazing and seek to maintain a low carbon footprint.  We continue to seek grant and cost share funding for land improvement projects, equipment purchases and upgrades, research and marketing.  

Product Line

Our current product line is naturally raised, 100% grass-fed beef. We produce beef from our own cow-calf operation as well as from purchased feeder cattle. We buy cattle for beef retail then raise them until 18-24 months of age before processing at local meat lockers. We purchase cattle, primarily black angus, from local cow/calf producers and raise them to >1000 lbs. Our ideal steer size is ~1200 lbs. All Eco-Cattle beef is raised without grain, growth hormones, and all feed is chemical free: forage harvested on the farm by the cattle and winter hay. Cattle are never confined and have year round access to fresh forage on pasture.

Marketing and Sales

Currently all of our products are sold directly to consumers. We advertise through email marketing, Facebook, craigslist, word of mouth, Google ads and through membership in a business networking chapter (Business Network International). We sell beef in bulk quantities (quarters, sides and wholes) and also, to a lesser degree, as individual cuts.